What Are The Pros And Cons Of Online Gambling?

Online gambling is very popular worldwide, just look at the huge numbers of gambling sites to choose from. For example, the number of people who gamble online for a fee is already enormous. A study found that there are 6.8 million regular Australian gamblers. We can therefore conclude that online gambling, in Australia but also abroad, is a popular activity. Yet this does not come from nowhere. Gambling has been a popular pastime for centuries. We see it as a fun pastime and sometimes compare it to a visit to the cinema. However, there are people who believe that online gambling should be prohibited, for example, because it can lead to possible gambling addiction.

We do not intend to encourage anyone to also take an online gamble, because we cannot decide for anyone whether it is good or not. However, we can advise on the pros and cons of online gambling and the site australian-online-casino that helps you find out the best online gambling site. And that is the purpose of this piece: to give you insight into the possible pros and cons of online gambling.

First, we want to list the advantages of online gambling:

  • Entertainment
  • Convenience
  • Payouts
  • Self-exclusion
  • Promotions
  • Anonymity
  • Game offer


Online gambling is a form of entertainment. And there is a price to be paid for that. Obviously, there is a group of people who do it for the chance to win (a lot of) money. Then there are players who gamble (online) to have fun, even if they lose money. After all, this is the price to be paid for this form of entertainment. Of course, this advantage does not only apply to online gambling, but to gambling in general. Nevertheless, from our point of view, it is very important to have this point highlighted: just as you pay for a night out at the cinema or a concert, the entertainment that gambling can provide also costs money.


Online there is much more possible for the gambler. For example, as a player you are not bound by opening hours, so you can always go there. Moreover, you don’t have to leave the house. It is possible to gamble online from home or on the road. In addition, it can save on gasoline costs, plus any parking fees. And at home, of course, you have all the facilities at hand: a nice drink or snack, for example.


Online gambling can be more attractive to the wallet, compared to playing in a brick-and-mortar casino. Taking video slots as an example, we can conclude that offline you get a lot less value for your money. Payout percentages there vary between about 85% and 94%. Online you will find quite a few slots with payout percentages of around 96%. There are even slots that pay out more than 98%.


If you don’t manage to contain yourself, it’s a lot easier online to exclude yourself (or have yourself excluded). You can also take various measures to play on a limited budget. And if even this does not work, it is also possible to purchase software that will not give you access to anything at all. Offline, this is (still) impossible.

Promotions on online gambling sites

Almost every gambling website gives bonuses to (new) players. This is almost always in the form of “free” money, however, there are often snags and catches. If you are familiar with the matter, some bonuses can be quite attractive. So it pays to look closely at what they have to offer. The number of promotions within the virtual world is much higher than at land-based casinos.


When it comes to privacy, you’re fine online, too. You do have to fill in data, but by playing online it is easier to keep certain gambling activities hidden from others. As long as gambling is still a taboo subject, this is a great way for many to keep gambling activities secret from those around them.

Game offer at online casinos

The range of games available at an online casino is endless. Various gambling websites offer virtually everything: from betting on sports to bingo, from roulette to slots. Offline, very few casinos can be found with such a range of games, a few casinos in Las Vegas aside, but that’s not exactly around the corner either. Generally speaking, you will have to visit several physical locations to play different gambling games.

The disadvantages of online gambling

We also list the disadvantages of online gambling:

  • 24/7
  • Malicious gambling websites
  • Social control
  • Payouts
  • Regulation


Of course, in the ease with which you can place a bet online, there is also a danger. For the majority of people, this is not really an issue, however, there are those who get too carried away. Gambling can be addictive and the 24 hours a day that an online casino is open only makes things worse for this group of people.

Malicious gambling websites

The majority of gambling websites are operated by reputable companies, some of them even listed on the stock exchange. To this day, there are also rogue gambling websites operating. The Internet is full of stories about fraud, which scares people away from depositing money online. Make sure to find honest reviews, so you can investigate whether the desired casino can be trusted.

Social control of online casino

We cited anonymous play as an advantage, but this also has a downside. Namely, there is a lack of social control by staff or friends. As a result, there is no one to tell you that it is better to stop. In addition, playing online is a lot less attractive for those who like the personal interaction. However, some providers are increasingly picking up on this element and integrating it into certain social games such as roulette.

Disbursements and regulations

Sometimes any payout can lead to annoyances. Depending on the payment method and the speed of the online casino, it can take up to a week before the money is in your account. Your own bank also has a decisive role in this, although these days it goes a lot faster. The payout is separate from all the paperwork you’ll have to provide in many cases. The online casino doesn’t do this to tease you, but because they have to abide by the law.


As mentioned, we do not want to encourage anyone to gamble, neither offline nor online. This is because we cannot determine for anyone whether gambling is or can become problematic, and whether your wallet is sufficient. We believe in gambling as a social activity or as entertainment and are always open about it. What we do try to do is remove gambling from the taboo sphere, because then it can be talked about openly.